Web Programming Course Outline


Web Application Development

Department of Computer Science and I.T.







A. Course Description

 Course Code


Course Title

Web Application Development

Credit Hours


Prerequisites by Course(s) and Topics

Problem Solving and Programming , Database

Follow Up


Assessment Instruments with Weights (Homework, quizzes, midterm, final, programming assignments, lab work, etc.)

Sessional 25%

Mid 25%

Final  50%

Total 100%

Quizzes: 15%

Mid Paper: 25

Final Paper: 50


Assignment: 10%




Class Participation: 5%




Course coordinator

URL (if any)

Current Catalog Description

Textbook (or Laboratory Manual for Laboratory Courses)

A.     Terry A. Morris, Web Development & Design Foundations with HTML5, 8/e, Addison Wesley, 2012

B.      Ben Frain, Responsive web design with HTML5 and CSS3, Packt Publishing Ltd, 2012

C.      Kevin Tatroe et al., Programming PHP, 3/e, O'Reilly Media, 2013

D.     JeffreyWiL., Jac,Kt3, Web Application Development with Yii and PHP, 2/e, Packt Publishing, 2012

E.      Zak Ruvalsga, Murach's JavaScript and jQuery, Mike Murach & Associates, 2012

F.        Papazoglon, Web Services, 2/e, Pearson Education Limited, 2012

Reference Material


Course Goals

Main objectives of the course is to develop web applications using state-of-the-art web technologies. After completing the course, the student will be able to build dynamic web applications using a web application framework.

Course Contents

Markup languages: HTML, XML; Responsive web applications (using advanced features of markup languages and style-sheets); Web based programming language (open source or proprietary); Database connectivity; Web security (SQL injection, HTML injection, cross site scripting XSS); cookies; sessions; user authentication; Model View Controller (MVC) architecture; web application framework (open source or proprietary); web application deployment; Document Object Model (DOM); JavaScript; AJAX; JavaScript frameworks; DTDs; XML Schema; XPath; XSLT style sheets

Week No.

Class Topic

Source + Help Session (Book-Chapter No., Section No., Page No.)


Introduction to the Internet and World Wide Web

Book A: Chapter 01

HTML Basics:

·   Describe HTML, XHTML, and HTML5

·   Identify the markup language in a web page document

·   Use the html, head, body, title, and meta elements to code a template for a web page

·   Configure the body of a web page with headings, paragraphs, line breaks, divs, lists, and blockquotes

Book A: Chapter 02

2.1- 2.10

HTML Basics:

·   Configure special characters

·   UL and OL

·   new HTML5 header, nav, main, & footer elements

·   Use the anchor element to link from page to page

·   Create absolute, relative, and e-mail hyperlinks

·   Code, save, and display a web page document

·   Test a web page document for valid syntax

Book A: Chapter 02

2.11- 2.18


Configuring Color and Text with CSS:

·   Describe the evolution of style sheets from print media to the Web

·   List advantages of using Cascading Style Sheets

·   Configure background and text color on web pages

·   Create style sheets that configure common color and text properties

·   Apply inline styles

 Book A: Chapter 03

3.1 – 3. 4

Configuring Color and Text with CSS:

·   Use embedded style sheets

·   CSS Class, Id, and Descendant Selectors

·   Span Element

·   Use external style sheets

Book A: Chapter 03

3.5 – 3. 8

·   Configuring Color and Text with CSS:

·   Configure element, class, id, and descendant selectors

·   Utilize the “cascade” in CSS

·   Validate CSS

Book A: Chapter 03

3.9 – 3.11


Visual Elements and Graphics:

·   Create and format lines and borders on web pages

·   Apply the image element to add graphics to web pages

·   Configure images as backgrounds on web pages

·   Configure images as hyperlinks

·   Configure rounded corners, box shadow, text shadow, opacity, and gradients with CSS3

·   Configure RGBA color with CSS3

·   Configure HSLA color with CSS3

·   Use HTML5 elements to caption a figure

Book A: Chpater 04

4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5

Page Layout:

·   Describe and apply the CSS Box Model

·   Configure margins with CSS

·   Configure float with CSS

·   Configure positioning with CSS

·   Create two-column page layouts using CSS

·   Configure navigation in unordered lists and style with CSS

Book A: Chapter 06

6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6


·   Describe the recommended use of a table on a web page

·   Create a basic table with the table, table row, table header, and table cell elements

·   Configure table sections with the thead, tbody, and tfoot elements

·   Increase the accessibility of a table

·   Style an HTML table with CSS

Book A: Chapter 08

8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5



·   Describe common uses of forms on web pages

·   Create forms on web pages using the form,

·   input, textarea, and select elements

·   Create forms that provide additional accessibility features using the accesskey and tabindex attributes

·   Associate form controls and groups using the label, fieldset, and legend elements

·   Create custom image buttons and use the button element

·   Use CSS to style a form

·   Configure the new HTML5 form controls, including the e-mail address, URL, datalist, range, spinner, calendar, and color controls

·   Describe the features and common uses of server-side processing

·   Invoke server-side processing to handle form data

Book A: Chapter 09

9.1 – 9.8

Web Multimedia and Interactivity

·   Plug-Ins, Containers, and Codecs

·   HTML5 Audio and Video Elements

Book A: Chapter 11

11.1, 11.4

A Brief Look at JavaScript and jQuery

·   Overview of JavaScript

·   The Development of JavaScript

·   Popular Uses for JavaScript

·   Adding JavaScript to a Web Page

Book A: Chapter 14




Introduction to JavaScript:

·   Primitives & The Console

·   JavaScript Numbers

·   WTF is NaN

Variables and Objects

·   Variables & Let

·   Updating Variables

·   Const & Var

·   Booleans

·   Variable Naming and Conventions

·   Introducing Strings

·   Indices & Length

·   String Methods

·   String Methods With Arguments

·   String Template Literals -SUPER USEFUL

·   Undefined & Null

·   Random Numbers & The Math Object


Book E + Online Resources


Decision Making Statement: If, Switch

·   Decision Making With Code??

·   Comparison Operators

·   Equality: Triple Vs. Double Equals

·   Console, Alert, & Prompt

·   Running JavaScript From A Script!

·   If Statements

·   Else-If

·   getColor Conditional Exercise

·   Nesting Conditionals

·   Truth-y & False-y Values

·   Logical AND

·   Logical OR

·   Logical NOT


Core JavaScript Objects

·   Accessing Data Out Of Objects

·   Modifying Objects

·   Nesting Arrays & Objects

Book E + Online Resources



  • Introducing Arrays
  • Array Random Access
  • Push & Pop
  • Shift & Unshift
  • Push/Pop/Shift/Unshift Practice
  • Concat, indexOf, includes & reverse
  • Slice & Splice
  • Reference Types & Equality Testing
  • Arrays + Const
  • Multi-Dimensional Arrays

Loops: For, While & Do While:

  • Intro to For Loops
  • Our First For Loop Practice
  • The Perils Of Infinite Loops :(
  • Looping Over Arrays
  • Nested Loops
  • Another Loop: The While Loop
  • The Break Keyword
  • Iterating Over Objects

Book E + Online Resources



·         Functions and Prototypes:

  • Intro to Functions
  • Arguments Intro
  • Functions With Multiple Arguments
  • The Return Keyword
  • Is() Function
  • Function Scope
  • Block Scope
  • Lexical Scope

Book E + Online Resources


·         Functions and Prototypes:

  • Function Expressions
  • Higher Order Functions
  • Returning Functions
  • Defining Methods
  • The Mysterious Keyword 'this'
  • Using Try/Catch
  • The forEach Method
  • Intro to Arrow Functions
  • Arrow Function Implicit Returns

·         Arrow Functions Wrapup

Book E + Online Resources


·         Functions and Prototypes:

  • setTimeout and setInterval
  • The filter Method
  • Default Params
  • Spread in Function Calls
  • Spread with Array Literals
  • Spread with Objects
  • Rest Params
  • Destructuring Arrays
  • Destructuring Objects
  • Destructuring Params

Book E + Online Resources


Document Object Model (DOM)

  • Introducing the DOM
  • The Document Object
  • getElementById
  • getElementsByTagName & className
  • querySelector & querySelectorAll
  • innerHTML, textContent, & innerText
  • Attributes
  • Manipulating Attributes

Book E + Online Resources

Document Object Model (DOM)

·         Changing Styles

·         ClassList

·         ClassList Practice

·         Traversing Parent/Child/Sibling

·         Append & AppendChild

·         removeChild & remove

·         Intro to Events

·         Inline Events

Book E + Online Resources

Document Object Model (DOM)

·         The Onclick Property

·         addEventListener

·         Events & The Keyword This

·         Keyboard Events & Event Objects

·         Form Events & PreventDefault

·         Input & Change Events

·         Event Bubbling

·         Event Delegation

Book E + Online Resources


Responsive web applications

·         What on Earth Is Flexbox?

·         Flex-Direction

·         Justify-Content

·         Flex-Wrap

·         Align-Items

·         Align-Content & Align-Self

·         Flex-Basis, Grow, & Shrink

·         Flex Shorthand

Book B +

online resources


Responsive web applications

·         Responsive Design & Media Queries Intro

·         The Power of Media Queries

·         Building a Responsive Nav

·         WTF Is Bootstrap

·         Including Bootstrap & Containers

·         Bootstrap Buttons

·         Bootstrap Typography & Utilities

·         Badges, Alerts, & Button Groups

Book B +

Bootstrap online resources


Responsive web applications

·         Bootstrap Basics Practice

·         Intro to the Bootstrap Grid

·         Bootstrap Grid Practice

·         Responsive Bootstrap Grids

·         Useful Grid Utilities

·         Bootstrap & Forms

·         Bootstrap Navbars, Bootstrap Icons!

Bootstrap online resources





·         Introduction

·         Install & Configuration

·         jQuery Syntax

·         Selectors

·         Events: Hide/Show, Fade, Slide, Animate, Stop, CSS

·         jQuery Callback

·         jQuery Chaining

Book E + Online Resources

Extensible Markup Language – XML

·         What is XML?

·         XML Benefits

·         XML Holds Data, Nothing More

·         XML Separates Structure from Formatting

·         XML Promotes Data Sharing

·         XML is Human-Readable

Book E + Online Resources


Document Type Definition – DTD

·         Introduction

·         DTD Building Blocks

·         Elements & Attributes

·         Entities

·         Validation

Book E + Online Resources


·         Interactivity

·         Application Development Environment

·         Collaboration & Productivity

·         Site Management and Media

·         Customizing & Extending

·         Page Authoring, Design & Management

Book E + Online Resources


PHP HyperText PreProcessor - PHP

·         Introduction

·         PHP Document

·         Language Fundamentals: Variables, Constants

·         Decision Making Statement: If, ? & Switch

·         Loops: For, For-Each While & Do While

·         Statement: Break, Continue

·         Operators: Airthmentic, String, Assignment, Comparison,

·         Incr/Decr etc.

Book C + Online Resources


PHP HyperText PreProcessor - PHP

·         PHP functions:

·         Arrays: Numerically Indexed, Associative

·         Array Functions: Join, Explode, Implode, In_Array,

·         Array_Search.

·         String Functions: Strlen, Printf, Substr, Str_Replace

·         Server-Side Processing

Book C + Online Resources


PHP HyperText PreProcessor - PHP

·         Processing Forms via GET/POST

·         GET or POST?

·         State and Persistence: Cookies/Session

·         Web Application Development

·         Introduction to PHP Frameworks

·         Basic OOP

Book C + Online Resources



·         What is SQL & MySQL and its Versions?

·         MySQL CLI:mysql/GUI:phpmyadmin

·         Administration & Query Browser

·         Creating Databases and Tables

·         Using keys

·         Table Types in MySQL

·         Data Types:Varchar, Int, Char, Date and Time

·         Deleting databases and tables

·         Inserting, Retrieving, Updating and Deleting data

·         MySQL User Accounts, Privileges and Access Control

·         MySQL documentation

Book C + Online Resources


Integrating PHP and MySQL

·         PHP interfacing with MySQL

·         Connecting to MySQL

·         Connecting to a database

·         Executing SQL

·         Retrieving the data set

·         Refining the fetch

Book C + Online Resources



Typical workflow of a Yii application

Book D + Online Resources


Full Stack Development Project



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