Advanced DBMS outline
Advanced Database Management
System Department of Computer Science
and I.T. Spring 2018 Morning
A. Course Description
Course Code | CSC405 |
Course Title | Advanced Database
Management Systems |
Credit Hours | 03 |
Prerequisites by
Course(s) and Topics | Conceptual Database
Designing, Computer Programming |
Assessment Instruments
with Weights (Homework, quizzes, midterm, final, programming
assignments, lab work, etc.) | Quizzes + Assignments +
Project = 20% Mid Term Paper = 30% Final Term Paper = 50% |
Course coordinator | |
URL (if any) | |
Current Catalog
Description | |
Textbook (or Laboratory
Manual for Laboratory Courses) | Learning
MySQL Book by Seyed M. M. Tahaghoghi |
Reference Material | MySQL Cookbook,
by Paul DuBois. MYSQL in a Nutshell,
by Russell Dyer. Additional course notes and reading
material will be given. |
Course Goals | The course aims to introduce advanced
database concepts, different data models, data storage and retrieval
techniques and database design techniques |
Covered in the Course, with Number of Lecturer on Each Topic (assume 15-week
instruction and one-hour lecture. |
Week No. |
Class Topic |
1 |
Review of Basic Concepts (Database
Development, Database Administration, Application Program Development, Schema
Objects, SQL, MySQL) |
2 |
and query, different Data types ENUM SET, Text and
Varchar, Aggregate functions |
3 |
Create Table, Alter Table, Drop Table,
Applying and Removing Constraints (Primary Key, Unique, Not Null, Foreign
Key, Check), Default Values for Columns |
4 |
Subqueries, Type of subqueries, Single row
operator, multi row operator, Problem with subqueries, Null Values in
Subqueries. |
5 |
Creating Simple Views, Read Only Option, With
Check Option, Complex Views, Creating and Dropping Indexes, Exploring the
Data Dictionary Views "USER_VIEWS" and "USER_IND_COLUMNS" |
6 |
, Viewing List of Tables in the Schema,
Describing a Table, Exploring the Data Dictionary Views USER_TAB_COLUMNS,
7 |
(input, output, if-else, while, for), Creating
Functions and Exceptions |
8 |
and Calling Procedures |
9 |
Triggers, Row-level vs Statement-level Triggers, Before vs After Triggers |
10 |
Creating and using Cursors |
11 |
MySQL Scheduled Event, creating event dropping
event. |
12 |
a new Database, Running, Sys and System Users, Create a new user, CONNECT, RESOURCE
and DBA Roles, Data Dictionary Views (DBA_USERS, DBA_ROLES), |
13 |
and revoking privileges, System vs Object Privileges, Data dictionary views
14 |
Tuning and Performance, Database Backup and Recovery, Importing/Exporting
Tables and Data |
15 |
Spooling your SQL work, Executing SQL command
stored in a file, Configuring the MySQL, |
16 |
Instance Management, Disk Space Management, MySql Database and Web Security,
Introduction to the Advanced Concepts (Data Warehousing, Data Mining,
Distributed Databases) |
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